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Describing People's Clothes Worksheet Pdf

This is a great follow-up to the above Word Bank gap-fill activity which uses the same 15. They practice describing clothing through various writing and speaking activities. Describing People Speaking Activities English Learn English English Lessons 15 sentences with 15 scrambled words on the topic of describing people. Describing people's clothes worksheet pdf . Motivate the pupils to have the maximum of focus so as to be the first to guess right. C They learn now. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. I can see people in the café. Students begin by learning how to use the verb to be to describe. To be have got-has got clothes name country likes-dislikes etc. Look at the picture. Beg Low Int. Describing people and personality. Motivate the pupils to desribe people perfectly so as to help others guess right. Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyrig...