One reason simply put is if you dont use it ya lose it. To effectively communicate with sign language you need to know basic sign language words and phrases. American Sign Language Words In 2021 Sign Language Words Sign Language Phrases Sign Language Alphabet We also have a learners section for NZSL learners which is open to the public. How to teach myself sign language . Learn ASL this summer. If youre ever considering learning sign language this is one of the best ways to do it. I meet people now and again who say oh I took Sign Language in High School but now I dont remember any. Too often in colleges and schools these teaching jobs go to hearing people. Most of the videos at the library VHS and DVD are the ones to teach children and babies signing. There are different approaches to teaching baby sign language there are lots of classes and books on the topic but generally you can teach baby by saying a word like milk while making the sign at the same time and then givin...